
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Week!

Oh my goodness I can't believe that its already Monday! Last night I realized that we are entering into week 3 of the transfer and it made me a little sick inside. We just had transfers! We can't be getting to the next transfer that fast!!!!! When you are on the Lords time, time really doesn't exist. Its the craziest thought and feeling ever!

Sister Scrivner and I had this crazy opportunity last Monday night to go to dinner at a members home. They told us that some previous missionaries were visiting and would be joining us. We were excited to meet them! What none of us were expecting is that these two girls were both Sister Scrivner and I's trainers, trainers. Sister Mix trained my trainer Sister Haws, and Sister Ware trained Sister Hermansen who trained Sister Scrivner. Its a crazy mission genealogy thing. We had a lot of fun hearing some of their experiences. Its not everyday you get to meet people like them. hahaha

We had Missionary Leadership Council to go to this week too. Normally the day is very scheduled out and runs smoothly. For some reason though this time it wasn't. We had a schedule but didn't follow it. President Hall didn't get much sleep, and I mean maybe 1 or 2 hours the night before. We quickly found out that when he is tired his filter shuts down. I don't think I have ever seen him act so funny or have so many unfinished thoughts. It was entertaining to say the least but we understand and we aren't judging him for it. ;D We talked a lot about the areas we are in and how we can help our ward understand how everything will work when each ward has multiple sets of missionaries. This conversation was very important because we are opening 18 new areas this next transfer!!!!! We are also getting another 40 + missionaries. I don't know how our valleys will be able to hold all of us! I don't think we even got to our training portion of our meeting it was such a crazy sort of meeting. We also talked about the results of our goals for baptisms. Last month we had the goal of 30 baptisms as a mission which we reached! We made the decision as a council to keep our goal the same for August and September to see if we could keep consistent in our goal reaching. Especially since we are a 50% church. Speaking of baptisms. Our zone this last month was the top baptizing zone! We found out that our mission actually had 34 baptisms not 32. Some missionaries failed to submit key indicators. Out of the 34 our zone had 11 baptisms!!!!!! It was so cool to hear these results when our original goal was to have 6. We totally blew our goal out of the water, and we are working hard already to see that it happens again. There are so many changes to the missionaries way of thinking and working. Some days it feels hard to keep up, but some how we do.

This week I had the wonderful opportunity to revisit the memory of having a toilet exploding in my apartment in Utah. In our apartment we live with another set of Sisters who cover a different area. Their toilet exploded for some unknown reason and affected the entire apartment. It was wonderful to come home to. I am sincerely glad it wasn't my toilet this time. ;D hahahahaha

I went on exchanges this week with one of our new missionaries. Her name is Sister Bishop. She has been struggling quite a bit with the adjustment to missionary life and with her companion. Through talking for several hours we came to the conclusion she and I have some very similar experiences. It was so cool to be with a missionary who is very new and yet she teaches as if she has been out for 6+ weeks. She is simply amazing. I have come to feel a huge fear over the possibility of training again, however being able to work with her and take the true lead of the companionship and teach her was amazing!!!! I am just going to have to remember not all new missionaries are Sister Peatross. I cannot believe how scarring the experience was. I might just tell President that I wont train again unless I get a missionary like Sister Bishop! (Just Kidding ;D)

Our Relief Society Presidents sister just got home from her mission this last week. Last night we went over to say hello and see if we could set up some times for her to come out with us. We had a wonderful time visiting with her and I think it brought her a small degree of comfort. Jana (RS President) walked us out to the car. We talked for a bit and she started explaining some things that are going on. We ended up convincing her to come with us to a potential home, even though we just talked to her sister about coming with us lol. Jana came and I think she really felt uplifted by the visit. When we knocked on the door for our potentials home she answered!!!! It was a miracle and she set up the appointment with us! We are so excited and we know that because Jana was with us we were able to see the miracle and it helped us all out emotionally. It was just thrilling and what better way to help the ward see what we do than to have the leaders come with us.

I also was surprised with a request to be the pianist for sacrament meeting yesterday. I didn't have any time to prepare so it was a fly by the seat of my skirt type of deal. I felt so bad because I totally destroyed "Called to Serve" and it was the closing song...... I had been so nervous and my hands were shaking!!!!!! The chorister was so sweet though. She told me I did just fine and that if anyone said otherwise she would beat them up for me. It was really sweet of her to say that because 1. I haven't had the opportunity to really get to know her yet 2. she is super quiet and keeps to herself. So it really touched me and made me feel slightly better about myself.

Sorry this email is short this week! We didn't have anything really specific happen other than what I have already shared. I hope you all enjoy your week!!!! I love you all!

Hurrah for Israel!!!!


Sister Cottrell

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